I am indebted for this to Randi Skaug the first Norwegian woman to climb Everest. First thing in the morning, clasp one hand over the other then raise your hands above your head – and smile. It is just about automatic. Hold for a few seconds to a minute – at least until you have ‘mastered’ smiling! You might fix your mind on a pleasant memory. The smile will kick in serotonin production and actually produce happiness. As Randi says, ‘You are only here on earth a little while, a century at most. Why not be happy?’ Couldn’t agree more. You can catch her story on Ben Fogle’s ‘New Lives in the Wild’ Series 7, Episode 4, ‘Norway’: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9109066/ Available on ThePirateBay.
See Also: https://www.theultralighthiker.com/its-not-my-fault/