You can use Pipe Insulation to make extempore hiking poles or tent poles when you are in the bush. The piece shown weighs 5 grams. It certainly saves you carrying hiking poles when you don’t need them. When you do you can cut them to length with this 28 gram DIY ultralight saw. If you break one in rough going it is the work of a minute to make another one.
It comes with an internal diameter of 12/19/25mm- ie 1/2″, 3/4″, 1′ etc. 19 is quite enough for a very stout stick, say 1″. It does stretch substantially. Of course it is not going to last a 3,000 km trek, but it does make a comfy handle so that you can make a couple of sticks to get you out of a tight spot (or carry a heavy load of venison out etc) without tearing your hands to pieces. A couple of sticks reduces the effort of walking out of some steep gorge by over 50%.
The foam tube can also be used to protect your tent from damage by your extempore tent poles by bending it over like this where it touches the fabric:
DIY ultralight saw shown below:
Available Bunnings eg: 1 metre A$4.40 (May 2019)

Hi Steve, Great website thanks. I tell my walking friends (half my age) that I am keeping my poles for when I ‘get old’ and also for skiing. However, your soft rubber handles look good for river walks where a little bit of extra balance on slippery rock would be welcome.
Do you have any more info on the ultralight wood saw. Squashed polypipe makes a good blade cover. My saw is about 150g . It works well but is a little bulky.
Thanks Tim – likewise your own website! I made the 28 gram saw from a pruning saw blade: