This is a great App I have just discovered. It opens Pdf Maps and many other types.
If you are tired of Avenza’s version of Pdf Maps only allowing you to open three maps before you hand over cash to them every year – and taking forever to open every map into the bargain (I am). I have a new phone and the trick I used before didn’t want to work, so I went hunting for another App to open Vicmaps Topographical maps in Geopdf format. I found this wonderful App.
This is Della’s favourite place (Hawick Scotland – where her ancestors resided). She won’t get lost there now. I will have to take her there again soon.
Here she is enjoying every minute of it:
It opens a map much more quickly. I guess in less than 30 seconds. Avenza maps used to take minutes, but was much faster if they were already open. It will open: GeoPDF, Geospatial PDF, GeoTIFF, JPEG, KML, KMZ and Shapefile.
You can record GPS tracks, add placemarks and photos, add data layers with schemas, Import your own maps or from Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive. 600,000 maps are available in Paper Maps App catalog including 400,000 US Topo maps, US Forest Maps, and Historic Soviet topo maps. Once you have loaded the map it works off-line – and the GPS is very fast and accurate.
Have your own map? Just use it!
Need a map for your journey? Just use one of 600,000 maps available in Paper Maps App! Add placemarks and photos. One map? Or 1,000 maps? Load and use all of them. You can also Organize data in layers or add schemas and styles.
It takes only seconds to get the hang of it. I am sold on this App:
You can download Geoscience Australia’s maps for your particular area and never get lost.
See Also:

Looks good.
What sort of topographic maps are available on this app for Australia, particularly Victoria, NSW and Tasmania?
I would be satisfied with 1:50,000 but 1:2500 would be better.
Hi Gordon, I use it with the 1: 25,000 Vicmaps I purchase. You can also use it with the free 1:250,000 maps here: At least they will prevent you from ever getting lost eg if you load all of eastern Victoria – or wherever you are going. You will notice others available in the post. Cheers, Steve.